Digital Partner
Looking for a one-stop solution for all your Managed IT, Software Development and Digital Marketing needs? You’ve come to the right place!
We are more than just a digital transformation company; we are a comprehensive partner in your journey towards digital excellence. We’re committed to nurturing your business’s growth and innovation.
Our comprehensive suite of digital transformation services, including Managed IT, Software Development, and Digital Marketing, is designed to empower your business to innovate and thrive in an evolving digital landscape.
We’re here to help you leverage technology to create lasting value and achieve sustainable growth.
Summer Digital is dedicated to empowering your business’s growth and innovation, which is why we set the bar high in delivering exceptional Managed IT, Software Development, and Digital Marketing services. Inefficiencies such as outdated systems, poor software integration, weak online engagement strategies, and subpar digital security can all undermine your business’s potential.
Headquartered in downtown Toronto and extending our reach across Southern Ontario from Toronto to Windsor and into the Detroit area, Summer Digital is committed to driving the success and innovation of your business.
Our team of digital experts is committed to removing the technological hurdles that limit your progress, enabling you to achieve your strategic objectives with cutting-edge solutions tailored to your needs.
Summer Digital’s Digital Marketing Services are designed to amplify your online presence and engage your target audience effectively. Our team excels in website design and development, creating visually appealing and user-friendly sites that drive conversions.
Our IT Managed Services are designed to ensure your business’s technology operates smoothly and securely. Our Managed Service Provider offerings include a comprehensive range of solutions from helpdesk support and incident management, to fully outsourced IT environments, storage, backup, and advanced networking.
Our Software Development Services are tailored to enhance your business’s digital capabilities through innovative solutions. Our expertise includes developing cutting-edge WhatsApp Banking and Utility integrations, creating bespoke mobile and web applications tailored to BB needs, ensuring your business leverages the latest in technology for maximum efficiency and customer engagement.